Biomechanics of Internal Fixation Modalities for Middle Phalangeal Base Fracture Dislocation
Background: Internal fixation modalities of unstable (>50 percent articular involvement) middle phalangeal volar lip fracture-dislocations include interfragmentary screw and volar buttress plating. This study investigates the mechanical properties (yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and stiffness) of interfragmentary screw (IS), simple buttress plating (BP) and buttress plating with subchondral screw (BP+S).
Methods: Fifteen cadaveric digits (5 index, 5 middle, and 5 ring) were prepared by excising its skin envelope and flexor tendons while preserving the structures around the proximal interphalangeal joint. An oblique osteotomy involving 50 percent of the articular surface was performed, and this was fixed with based on its study group: interfragmentary screw (IS), simple buttress plating (BP) and buttress plating with subchondral screw (BP+S). These specimens were then loaded to failure.
Results: Yield strength was as follows: BP+S (33.5±9.76 N), IS (13.6±5.46 N), and BP (8.1±3.84 N). Ultimate tensile strength was as follows: BP+S (49.1±21.4 N), IS (15.6±5.19 N), and BP (8.86±3.99 N). Stiffness was as follows: BP+S (4.77±1.32 N/mm), IS (2.44±0.86 N/mm), and BP (1.84±0.71 N/mm).
Conclusions: A buttress plate and screw construct confers significantly more stability than either interfragmentary screw or buttress plate only fixation in an experimental model.