Palm-Sized PCR Device for Rapid Real-Time Detection of Viruses.
Scientists Uncover New Mechanism for Diabetic Neuropathy.
Chi Med Initiates a Phase I/II Clinical Trial of Novel FGFR Inhibitor HMPL 453 in China.
Database Boosts Shanghai’s Technology Aim.
Experts Emphasize Scientific and Technological Innovations in Agriculture.
China Enlists AI to Diagnose Breast Cancer.
Study Offers Clue to Memory Formation in the Brain.
China Signed Science Cooperation Agreement with Bolivia.
Biotechnology in China Hits 4 Trillion RMB in 2016.
A Novel Pathway: Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis Linked to Depression Caused by Inflammation.
BGI Genomics Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering.
- real-time detection
- viruses
- palm-sized device
- hand-held
- diabetic neuropathy
- diabetic patients
- hyperglycemia
- autophagy
- new mechanism
- clinical trial
- China
- fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)
- bladder cancer
- cholangiocarcinoma (CCA)
- database
- technology
- agriculture
- research
- scientists
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- medical imaging
- breast cancer
- breast screening
- diagnosis
- brain
- memory
- synapse
- cooperation
- biotechnology
- depression
- inflammation
- genomics
- innovations
- trans-omics