Note for Constructing Minimum Integrity Trees with Given Order and Maximum Degree*
For a given graph G = (V, E), its integrity is defined as I(G) = minX⊂V {|X|+m(G−X)}, where m(G−X) denote the order of the largest component of G−X. In [9], authors discuss the minimum integrity of tree with given order and the maximum degree. In this paper, we point that the result in [9] is flawed and by elementary method characterize the structure of the minimum integrity tree and thus correct Theorem 4.1 in [9]. Finally, we give the construction method of this kind of extremal graph.
* Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (11661066), Science Found of Qinghai Province (2017-ZJ-701), Science Found of Qinghai Nationalities University (2019XJG10, 2020XJGH14) and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (LY17A010017).