Penetration of Rigid Projectile into Concrete Target with Effect of Attack Angle: Theory and Experiment
The existing prediction methods of penetration depth do not take the influence of attack angle or angular velocity of projectile (i.e. effect of attack angle) into account. The main purpose of this work is to develop an approximate approach to predict the penetration depth for a rigid projectile into concrete target covered with yaw-inducing overlays. A quasi-static, elastic–plastic contact model of projectile impacting on irregular barrier is built based on Hertz’s contact theory, and the expression of effect of attack angle are also presented. The stress on projectile–target interface is derived according to spherical cavity expansion model and mechanical property of target, where reduction coefficient is introduced to consider the effect of free surface, and the penetration resistances are further obtained. Differential equations of motion for projectile arbitrarily oblique into target covered with yaw-inducing overlays are given by employing the initial conditions of projectile striking on irregular barrier. Then a simplified formula of depth-of-penetration (DOP) with effect of attack angle is presented by introducing an influence coefficient of oblique impact and an influence coefficient of yaw-inducing overlays into the depth of normal penetration. Predictions from the simplified formula are validated by comparison with ballistic experimental data for a 57mm diameter, 4.44kg, and ogive-nose, semi-armor-piercing with striking velocities between 320 and 705m/s.
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