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Dynamic Analysis of FGM Plate Under Moving Load Considering Effect of Temperature by:15 (Source: Crossref)

    The paper used the moving element method (MEM) to analyze the dynamics of the functionally graded material (FGM) plate under the moving load considering the effect of temperature. To calculate the displacement of the plate, the study applied the Mindlin plate theory. A nine-node isoparametric element, each with five degrees of freedom, is used to model the plate element. According to the MEM, the equation of motion of the FGM plate is established based on the principle of virtual work and on a coordinate system that moves along with the moving load. The temperature field is assumed to be constant in the plane and varies across the plate thickness. By solving the governing equation of temperature transfer, it is possible to obtain a temperature distribution function. Both mechanical strain and temperature-induced strain are considered to determine plate strain. Numerical results were surveyed with different parameters and compared with published results to verify the reliability of the model. It is found that temperature significantly affects the dynamic response of the FGM plate. This study shows that the displacement of the plate increases when the temperature increase.

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