Effect of Traveling Waves on Seismic Behavior of Fault-Crossing Transmission Tower-Line Systems
Ultra high voltage (UHV) transmission tower-lines systems (TTLSs) are responsible for the crucial function of transmitting and distributing electrical power over long distances, which inevitably traverse active tectonic faults when passing through seismic areas. This paper investigates the seismic behaviors of the fault-crossing UHV TTLSs, taking into account the traveling wave effects of fault-crossing ground motions. Furthermore, three scenarios (i.e. the fault located at the midspan, the side span, and the one side) according to the location of the faults relative to the TTLSs, are designated to investigate the effects of fault-crossing locations on the seismic behaviors of the fault-crossing TTLSs. The results indicate that the traveling wave effects may amplify or weaken the seismic responses and collapse of the near-fault and fault-crossing TTLSs, and the effects on the longitudinal displacement responses of the TTLS are significantly greater than those in the transverse direction, but they do not affect the distribution of the collapse weak position of the TTLSs across the fault. Besides, the effect of traveling waves on the seismic behaviors of the transmission tower further away from the fault is greater than that relatively closer to the fault. This study of the impact of the traveling wave effects and fault-crossing locations on the TTLSs serves as a valuable reference for seismic behaviors of the UHV TTLSs crossing faults.
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