Determination of the Best Areas Behind the Noise Barriers with the Highest Performance by using a Mathematical Model
Traffic noise barriers are one of the most important ways of environmental noise pollution control. Profiled barriers are one of the most successful noise control screens. A simple mathematical model representation of the zones behind rigid and absorbent barriers with the highest insertion loss using the destructive effect of the indirect path via barrier image is introduced. The results are compared with the results of a verified two-dimensional (2D) BEM in a wide field behind those barriers. Field measurements for the model near a highway in a megacity were also tested. A very good agreement between the results has been achieved. In this method, effective height is used for any different profile barrier. Since the highway dominant noise frequency was found to be at 125 Hz 1/3-octave band center frequency, the presented model in this study showed that the best place for installing a T-shaped barrier is 10.5m from the target receiver. The introduced model is very simple and fast and could be used for choosing the best location of profiled barriers to achieve the highest performance with no additional cost.
Communicated by Geza Pesti
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