Conditions on p-subgroups implying p-supersolvability
In this note, we use fewer p-subgroups H with the condition Op(G)∩H⊴Op(G) to investigate the structure of finite groups. We prove that for a fixed prime p, a given Sylow p-subgroup P of a finite group G, and a power d of p dividing |G| such that p2≤d<|P|, if H∩Op(G) is normal in Op(G) for all non-cyclic normal subgroups H of P with |H|=d, then either G is p-supersoluble or else |P∩Op(G)|>d. This extends the main result of Guo and Isaacs (Conditions on p-subgroups implying p-nilpotence or p-supersolvability, Arch. Math.105 (2015) 215–222). We also derive some applications of the above result which extend some known results.