An integer sequence and standard monomials
For an (oriented) graph G on the vertex set {0,1,…,n} (rooted at 0), Postnikov and Shapiro (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.356 (2004) 3109–3142) associated a monomial ideal ℳG in the polynomial ring R=k[x1,…,xn] over a field k such that the number of standard monomials of RℳG equals the number of (oriented) spanning trees of G and hence, dimk(RℳG)=det(LG), where LG is the truncated Laplace matrix of G. The standard monomials of RℳG correspond bijectively to the G-parking functions. In this paper, we study a monomial ideal Jn in R having rich combinatorial properties. We show that the minimal free resolution of the monomial ideal Jn is the cellular resolution supported on a subcomplex of the first barycentric subdivision Bd(Δn−1) of an n−1 simplex Δn−1. The integer sequence {dimk(RJn)}n≥1 has many interesting properties. In particular, we obtain a formula, dimk(RJn)=det([mij]n×n), with mij=1 for i>j, mii=i and mij=i−j for i<j, similar to dimk(RℳG)=det(LG).
Communicated by T. Ha