Computation of Hopf Galois structures on separable extensions and classification of those for degree twice an odd prime power
A Hopf Galois structure on a finite field extension L/KL/K is a pair (H,μ)(H,μ), where HH is a finite cocommutative KK-Hopf algebra and μμ a Hopf action. In this paper, we present a program written in the computational algebra system Magma which gives all Hopf Galois structures on separable field extensions of a given degree and several properties of those. We show a table which summarizes the program results. Besides, for separable field extensions of degree 2pn2pn, with pp an odd prime number, we prove that the occurrence of some type of Hopf Galois structure may either imply or exclude the occurrence of some other type. In particular, for separable field extensions of degree 2p22p2, we determine exactly the possible sets of Hopf Galois structure types.
Communicated by J. Gómez-Torrecillas