Reducibility index and sum-reducibility index
Let be a commutative Noetherian ring. For a finitely generated -module , Northcott introduced the reducibility index of , which is the number of submodules appearing in an irredundant irreducible decomposition of the submodule in . On the other hand, for an Artinian -module , Macdonald proved that the number of sum-irreducible submodules appearing in an irredundant sum-irreducible representation of does not depend on the choice of the representation. This number is called the sum-reducibility index of . In the former part of this paper, we compute the reducibility index of , where is a flat homomorphism of Noetherian rings. Especially, the localization, the polynomial extension, and the completion of are studied. For the latter part of this paper, we clarify the relation among the reducibility index of , that of the completion of , and the sum-reducibility index of the Matlis dual of .
Communicated by B. Olberding