Krull modules and completely integrally closed modules
Let M be a torsion-free module over an integral domain D with quotient field K. We define a concept of completely integrally closed modules in order to study Krull modules. It is shown that a Krull module M is a v-multiplication module if and only if (𝔭M)v is a maximal v-submodule and (𝔭−1𝔭)v1=D for every minimal prime ideal 𝔭 of D. If M is a finitely generated Krull module, then M1=∩M𝔭 is a Krull module and v-multiplication module. It is also shown that the following three conditions are equivalent: M is completely integrally closed, M[x] is completely integrally closed, and M[[x]] is completely integrally closed.
Communicated by S. Lopez-Permouth