*-Symmetric rings
Let R be a ∗-ring. Then R is called a ∗-symmetric ring if for any a,b,c∈R, abc=0 implies acb∗=0. Obviously, ∗-symmetric ring is certainly symmetric ring, while ∗-ring and symmetric ring does not equal ∗-symmetric ring. Even though reduced rings are symmetric, reduced rings need not be ∗-symmetric ring. In this paper, we further add some conditions for symmetric ring to be ∗-symmetric and reduced. As an application, we discover if R be a ∗-symmetric ring, then R#=REP=R+=Rreg. Also, we expand the definition of ∗-symmetric ring to different combinations of a,b,c. The properties of ∗-symmetric ring play a role in generalized inverses of elements in rings.
Communicated by André Leroy