The aneurysm of iliac artery is a rare entity and there are few computational models that have studied the disease. In this study, we have presented the flow patterns in the aneurysmal artery using Fluid–structure interaction method. The blood was assumed Newotonian, pulsatile, laminar, incompressible, and homogenous. The geometry of the model was made based on CT images of clinical cases. Using the computational method, we have obtained the velocity and pressure contours, shear rates and vortices for the healthy and aneurysmal artery. The results show that a pressure maximum was found at the midpoint of the dilation. The vortices are formed in the aneurysmal area26 and shear rates do not change much. However, the rate increased in the neck of aneurysms. Furthermore, the aneurysm with bigger dilation tend to rupture due to more shear rates in the neck and the velocity at peak systole decreases in the aneurysmal area due to increase of the artery diameter. We have compared our results with some available relevant clinical data in discussion section.