The Effect of Big Data Capability and Market-Oriented Knowledge Integration on Product Speed-to-Market
In an era of digital economy, big data capability becomes a new approach for organisational competitive advantage in market. Products are the concentrated reflection of commercial value in market. It is crucial to clarify when and how big data capability promotes product speed-to-market. Based on the perspective of knowledge integration, we propose a model to clarify the impact of big data capability on product speed-to-market in a competitive market. Using data from 405 enterprises in China, we test our research model. We find that big data capability has positive effect on market-oriented knowledge integration (MOKI) and product speed-to-market, respectively. MOKI partly mediates the relationship between big data capability and product speed-to-market. In addition, the findings also indicate that market competition moderates the indirect effect. The results of this paper provide specific managerial guidelines as to how to apply big data to improve speed-to-market.