Experimental Investigation on Hardness Properties of Laser Hardened Bead Profile of Commercially Pure Titanium Grade3 Using Nd:YAG Laser
This research paper presents the laser transformation hardening (LTH) to improve the surface hardness of commercially pure titanium, nearer to ASTM Grade3 chemical composition of 1.6mm thickness sheet using a CW (continuous wave) 2kW, with radiation wavelength λ=1.06μm Nd:YAG laser. Full factorial and response surface design approach in Design Expert 9 software have been discussed and evaluated by statistical regression analysis and analysis of variance. The experiment was carried out as the full factorial design (FFD) array of 27 with 3 factors, 3 levels, i.e. 33=27 experiments. The selected input parameters are: laser power, scanning speed and focused position, and responses are: Vickers Microhardness on top surface, in fusion zone, and in heat affected zone. FFD and response surface methodology (RSM) were applied to evaluate and optimize the effects of laser process parameters on Vickers microhardness of laser hardened surface. The results show that, the hardness of as-received commercially pure titanium is approximately 153VHN and the hardness after laser transformation hardened bead geometrical surface is in the range of 200–240VHN. The hardness can be increased with the increase in the scanning speed and decrease in the optimum value of laser power i.e. heat input applied. It has been found that the quadratic model is best fitted for prediction of the Vickers microhardness of laser hardened surface. These findings are significant in modern development of hard surface coatings for corrosion and wear resistant applications. Application of experimental results will be considered in the aerospace, marine, chemical, medicine, automobile and the engineering industries.