The transfer of entanglement from source particles (SPs) to target particles (TPs) via the Heisenberg interaction H = s1 ⋅ s2 has been investigated. In our research, TPs are two qubits and SPs are two qubits or qutrits. When TPs are two qubits, we find that no matter what state the TPs are initially prepared in, at the specific time t = π the quantity of entanglement of the TPs can attain 1 after interaction with the SPs which stay on the maximally entangled state. When TPs are two qutrits, the maximal quantity of entanglement of the TPs is proportional to the quantity of entanglement of the initial state of the TPs and cannot attain 1 for almost all the initial states of the TPs. Here we propose an iterated operation which can make the TPs go to the maximal entangled state.