Many-body localization phase transitions and global quantum discord in a disordered quantum Ising spin chain
Considerable evidence supports the existence of many-body localization (MBL) phase transitions, although accurately determining the critical disorder intensity remains challenging due to significant instabilities in system size within the examined parameters. In this study, we employ the global quantum discord (GQD) to investigate MBL phase transitions and identify the critical points of the quantum Ising spin chain subjected to both disordered interacting and disordered external fields. Our analysis of GQD demonstrates its effectiveness in identifying the critical points between the thermal and the MBL phases. We further utilize the temporal evolution of GQD to comprehensively explore the characteristics of MBL phase transitions in the disordered quantum Ising spin chain. Our findings suggest that MBL phase transitions adhere to the same generality category based on the scaling analysis. Additionally, we investigate the effects of these examined parameters on the GQD and its dynamics and use them to estimate the critical points.