Towards Development of an Integrated Cloud-Computing Adoption Framework — A Case of Indian School Education System
Many theoretical models viz., technology acceptance model (TAM), technology–organization–environment (TOE), diffusion of innovation (DOI), and human–organization–technology-fit (HOT-fit), etc., have been developed, validated, and tested to explain the acceptance of innovative technologies by the intended end users. However, given the limitations associated with these theoretical models as well as different cloud computing adoption scenario, they may not point out to the major constructs and the variables under so-called “selective contexts” in an explicit manner. Therefore, several research studies have been undertaken to integrate more than one model to provide a holistic evaluation of the determinants of cloud computing adoption for different domains. Such studies have also been conducted for education sector as well. But, the target of these studies is mostly specific to higher education using TOE or TAM models. To solve this limitation, we propose integrated approach of TAM, TOE framework, DOI, and HOT-fit frameworks in an effort to improve predictive power of proposed resulting model and, stretching the constructs to enrich the literature and implementing the same for Indian school education system as a case study.