Identifying Dimensions of Dynamic Technological Capability: A Systematic Review of the Last Two Decades of Research
Nowadays, technological innovation capabilities support competitive advantage, and the survival and development of modern organizations accordingly depend on the knowledge and applications of such innovations. Nevertheless, the link between various aspects of the dynamic technological capability of many organizations is not still clear. Meanwhile, the new trend of some research in the field of dynamic capabilities refers to its technological foundations, as a platform for strengthening and creating a competitive technological advantage in a scattered manner. In this regard, this paper systematically reviews the previous research on technological basis of dynamic capabilities using the systematic review approach, examining articles published during 2000–2021 in which the technological foundations of dynamic capabilities in terms of sensing, seizing, and deformation (i.e. cognitive, psychological and organizational) have been extracted. A framework for future research has also been presented. The recommended framework can partially bridge the gap in the literature on the technological foundations of dynamic capabilities in future studies and help the managers to identify the technological road map for gaining competitive technological advantages.