The Clifford-Yang algebra, noncommutative Clifford phase spaces and the deformed quantum oscillator
We construct the novel Clifford-Yang algebra which is an extension of the Yang algebra in noncommutative phase spaces. The Clifford-Yang algebra allows us to write down the commutators of the noncommutative polyvector-valued coordinates and momenta which are compatible with the Jacobi identities, the Weyl–Heisenberg algebra, and paves the way for a formulation of quantum mechanics (QM) in noncommutative Clifford spaces. We continue with a detailed study of the isotropic 3D quantum oscillator in noncommutative spaces and find the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. These findings differ considerably from the ordinary quantum oscillator in commutative spaces. We find that QM in noncommutative spaces leads to very different solutions, eigenvalues, and uncertainty relations than ordinary QM in commutative spaces. The generalization of QM to noncommutative Clifford (phase) spaces is attained via the Clifford-Yang algebra. The operators are now given by the generalized angular momentum operators involving polyvector coordinates and momenta. The eigenfunctions (wave functions) are now more complicated functions of the polyvector coordinates. We conclude with some important remarks.