Intermediate inflation through Nojiri–Odintsov holographic dark fluid with the cosmological settings of Kaniadakis
This study is inspired by the generalized holographic cut-off proposed by Nojiri and Odintsov (S. I. Nojiri and S. D. Odintsov, Unifying phantom inflation with late-time acceleration: Scalar phantom–non-phantom transition model and generalized holographic dark energy, Gen. Relativ. Gravit.38 (2006) 1285–1304) as it aims to have an understanding of the Kaniadakis holographic dark fluid, a particular representative of Nojiri–Odintsov holographic dark energy. To realize inflation and late time acceleration of the universe, we have considered this generalized form of holographic fluid as the fluid for realization of inflationary scenario. Here, inflation has a holographic origin, namely that its source is the Kaniadakis holographic energy density. The inflationary cosmology of Kaniadakis holographic dark fluid has been have explored by assuming that the scale factor is an intermediate scale factor. Several constraints have been derived throughout the study in relation to late time acceleration and early inflation. To study the warm inflation with this holographic origin, we have computed tensor-to-scalar ratio for different values of the number of e-fold and warm inflation has been realized in a high dissipative regime.