Correspondence between particle creation and dark components interaction in the context of f(𝒢) gravity
In this paper, we explore the particle creation scenario in the context of f(𝒢) gravity in flat-FLRW metric. For this purpose, from the perspective of thermodynamics and considering an adiabatic universe, we obtain the modified continuity equation in terms of the dynamic number of particles N. On the other hand, we obtain Friedmann’s equations in f(𝒢) gravity and then write down the continuity equations of the components of matter and dark energy, taking into account the interaction between them. In what follows, by establishing a correspondence between the particle production scenario and f(𝒢) gravity, we obtain the cosmological parameters in terms of N. After that, we find cosmological solutions using power-law cosmology and compare them with Hubble parameter data. Finally, we fit the current model with Hubble data and plot the best fit in terms of the redshift parameter.