Artificial neural network model for convectively heated Casson fluid with the appliance of solar energy
This study is to illustrate the thermometric exchange of Casson fluid’s double diffusive nonlinear radiative heat flux over vertical plate associated with convective boundary conditions, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI)-based neural network computation technique. The AI analysis provides enhanced and optimized results with predictive modeling. The analysis utilizes a dataset generated through Mathematica environment and then embedded the filtered matrix dataset in MATLAB employs AI analysis using the Neural Auto Regressive Exogenous (NARX) method for optimized solutions. Levenberg–Marquard algorithm is used to train neural network. The model’s importance and applications span nuclear reactors, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, transportation and radiating processes of energy transfer. The physical problem is governed by PDEs that is transformed into a set of ODEs by using similarity transformation. The flow is analyzed against the variation in significant influencing parameter like Prandtl number (Pr), velocity ratio (), convective coefficient (), Rayleigh number (Ra), buoyancy ratio parameter (), radiation parameter () and Casson fluid parameter (). Findings of this paper are significant for various industrial, engineering and research-based activities.