The non-uniqueness of admissible solutions to 2D Riemann problem of compressible isentropic Euler system with maximum density constraint
We investigate the uniqueness of entropy solution to 2D Riemann problem of compressible isentropic Euler system with maximum density constraint. The constraint is imposed with a singular pressure. Given initial data for which the standard self-similar solution consists of one shock or one shock and one rarefaction wave, it turns out that there exist infinitely many admissible weak solutions. This extends the result of Markfelder and Klingenberg in [S. Markfelder and C. Klingenberg, The Riemann problem for the multidimensional isentropic system of gas dynamics is ill-posed if it contains a shock, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 227(3) (2018) 967–994] for classical Euler system to the case with maximum density constraint. Also some estimates on the density of these solutions are given to describe the behavior of solutions near congestion.
Communicated by F. Bouchut