L2-blowup estimates of the wave equation and its application to local energy decay
We consider the Cauchy problems in Rn for the wave equation with a weighted L1-initial data. We derive sharp infinite time blowup estimates of the L2-norm of solutions in the case of n=1 and n=2. Then, we apply it to the local energy decay estimates for n=2, which is not studied so completely when the 0th moment of the initial velocity does not vanish. The idea to derive them is strongly inspired from a technique used in [R. Ikehata, Asymptotic profiles for wave equations with strong damping, J. Differ. Equ. 257 (2014) 2159–2177; R. Ikehata and M. Onodera, Remarks on large time behavior of the L2-norm of solutions to strongly damped wave equations, Differ. Integral Equ. 30 (2017) 505–520].
Communicated by S. Kawashima