Photocurrent enhancements in a porphyrin-viologen linked compound under plasmonic and magnetic fields
Zinc-porphyrin(ZnP)–viologen(V2+) linked compound containing six methylene group (ZnP(6)V)–silver nanoparticle (AgNP) composite films was fabricated by combining electrostatic layer-by-layer adsorption and the Langmuir–Blodgett method. The incident photo to photocurrent efficiency (IPCE) values of the ZnP(6)V–AgNP composite films are higher than those of the ZnP(6)V films and much higher than those of ZnP derivative films without V2+ moiety as a reference. The large increase in the IPCE values of the ZnP(6)V–AgNP composite films likely comes from a combination of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) from AgNPs and photoinduced intramolecular electron-transfer upon linking to a V2+ moiety. The photocurrents of the ZnP(6)V–AgNP composite films and the ZnP(6)V films increase upon application of a magnetic field. Magnetic field effects (MFEs) were clearly observed for both ZnP(6)V–AgNP composite films and the ZnP(6)V films. Photocurrents increase with magnetic field under low magnetic fields (B ≤ 150–300 mT) and are constant under high magnetic fields (B > 150–300 mT). MFEs can be explained by a radical pair mechanism. The magnitude of the MFEs in the ZnP(6)V–AgNP composite films is higher than that in the ZnP(6)V films. A remarkable increase in photocurrent for the ZnP(6)V–AgNP composite films was observed because of LSPR from the AgNPs in the presence of a magnetic field when compared with the ZnP(6)V films in the absence of a magnetic field.

Dedicated to Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi on the occasion of his retirement
Handbook of Porphyrin Science now available in 46 volumes