Cardioprotective Natural Products: Promises and Hopes focuses on the recent advances in the research of bioactive natural products with cardioprotective potential against various cardiovascular diseases/disorders. The aim of this book is to underline the promise and future hope in bioactive natural molecules, herbal formulations, natural dietary supplements and related materials in the prevention and cure of cardiovascular diseases in a scientific way.
This book, which comprises a variety of about 9 chapters written by active researchers and leading experts, brings together an overview of current discoveries and trends in this field. This volume is also an outstanding source of information with regard to the industrial application of natural products for medicinal purposes. The broad interdisciplinary approach adopted in this book ensures that it is much more interesting to scientists deeply engaged in the research and/or use of bioactive natural products. It will serve not only as a valuable resource for researchers in their own fields to predict promising leads for developing pharmaceuticals to prevent and treat disease manifestations, but will hopefully also motivate young scientists to engage in the dynamic field of natural products research.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (93 KB)
Chapter 1: Cardioprotective Natural Products: Promises and Hopes — An Overview (168 KB)
- Cardioprotective Natural Products: Promises and Hopes — An Overview (Goutam Brahmachari)
- Naturally Occurring Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors: A Group of Promising Cardioprotective Agents (Tayebeh Anajafi, Abbas Sedigh and Sanku Mallik )
- Promising Natural Cardioprotective Agents in Drug- and Toxin-Induced Pathophysiology (Semantee Bhattacharya and Parames C Sil)
- Natural Products Against Drug-Induced Cardiotoxicity (Meghana Koneru, Nasiruddin Nalban, Bidya Dhar Sahu and Ramakrishna Sistla )
- Cardioprotective Potential of Medicinal Plants in Attenuating Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity (Sameer N Goyal, C R Patil, Nimisha Mishra, Rajesh Mohanraj and Shreesh Ojha)
- Role of Dietary Supplements in Cardiovascular Diseases (Essam Abdel-Sattar, Soheir M El Zalabani and Manal M Sabry)
- Beneficial Role of Antioxidant Molecules with Therapeutic Potential in Cardiac Disease (Jyotirmoy Ghosh, Krishnendu Sinha and Parames C Sil)
- Small Molecule Phytocompounds as Promoters of LDL-Receptor and PCSK9 Inhibition: Potential Role as Non-Statin Based Cardio-Protective Agents (Ajoy Basak, Paul O'Reilly, Bethel Ozed Williams and Sarmistha Basak)
- 7,8-Dihydroxy-3-methylisochroman-4-one: A Promising Anti-Hypertensive Lead-Molecule from Banana (Musa sapientun L) Peel (Goutam Brahmachari)
Readership: Phytochemists; combinatorial chemists; pharmacologists; institutes for drug research (drug discovery and development); industrial research groups developing drugs from medicinal plants; pharmaceutical companies; manufacturers of herbal and ayurvedic medicines and cosmetic products; manufacturers of natural products; advanced and research students.

Professor (Dr.) Goutam Brahmachari currently holds the position of full professor of chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Visva-Bharati (a Central University), Santiniketan, India. He received BSc (Honours) in Chemistry and MSc with specialization in Organic Chemistry from Visva-Bharati (a Central University), India in 1990 and 1992, respectively. Thereafter, he received PhD (Organic Chemistry) in 1997 from the same University. In 1998, he joined his alma mater as assistant professor. He became associate professor in 2008, and promoted to full professor in 2011. At present, he is responsible for teaching courses in organic chemistry, natural products chemistry, and physical methods in organic chemistry. Several students received their PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Brahmachari during this period, and couples of research fellows are presently working with him both in the fields of natural products and synthetic organic chemistry. Prof. Brahmachari's research is supported by several funding organizations including SERB-DST (New Delhi), CSIR (New Delhi), DBT (New Delhi) and UGC (New Delhi). He is a Who's Who in the World-2015 & 2016 Listee, and also a recipient of Academic Brilliance Award-2015 (Excellence in Research). He is the Series Editor of the Elsevier Book Series Natural Product Drug Discovery.
Prof. Brahmachari's research interests include (1) isolation, structural determination, and/or detailed NMR study of new natural products from medicinal plants; (2) synthetic organic chemistry with special emphasis on green chemistry; (3) semi-synthetic studies with natural products, and (4) evaluation of biological activities and pharmacological potential of natural and synthetic compounds. With more than 18 years of teaching experience, he has also produced so far more than 160 publications including original research papers, review articles and invited book chapters in edited books in the field of natural products and organic synthesis from internationally reputed presses. Prof. Brahmachari has authored/edited a number of text and reference books that include Organic Name Reactions: A Unified Approach (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi; Co-published by Alpha Science International, Oxford, 2006), Chemistry of Natural Products: Recent Trends & Developments (Research Signpost, 2006), Organic Chemistry Through Solved Problems (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi; Co-published by Alpha Science International, Oxford, 2007), Natural Products: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacology (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi; Co-published by Alpha Science International, Oxford, 2009), Handbook of Pharmaceutical Natural Products (2 volume-set) (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, 2010), Bioactive Natural Products: Opportunities & Challenges in Medicinal Chemistry (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2011), Chemistry and Pharmacology of Naturally Occurring Bioactive Compounds (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis group, USA, 2013), and Natural Bioactive Molecules: Impacts & Prospects (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi; Co-published by Alpha Science International, Oxford, 2014), Green Synthetic Approaches for Biologically Relevant Heterocycles (Elsevier Inc., USA, 2014), Bioactive Natural Products — Chemistry & Biology (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany; 2015), Room Temperature Organic Synthesis (Elsevier Inc., USA, 2015), Biotechnology of Microbial Enzymes: Production, Biocatalysis and Industrial Applications (Academic Press, London, 2016), Discovery and Development of Antidiabetic Agents from Natural products (Natural Product Drug Discovery Series; Elsevier Inc., USA, 2016), Discovery and Development of Neuroprotective Agents from Natural Products (Natural Product Drug Discovery Series; Elsevier Inc., USA, 2017), Neuroprotective Natural Products — Clinical Aspects and Mode of Action (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany; 2017), and few are forthcoming.
Prof. Brahmachari serves as a member of the Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI), Bangalore, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) and Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata, and as an Editor-in-Chief, Signpost Open Access Journal of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. He guest-edited couples of thematic issues for internationally reputed journals, and also serves as an editorial advisory board member for several international journals. He is regularly consulted as a referee by leading international journals including Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Springer, Bentham Science, Indian Chemical Society, Indian Journal of Chemistry (Sec. B), Korean Chemical Society, Pakistan Chemical Society, Brazilian Chemical Society, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and so on, and also by various financial commissions.
Goutam Brahmachari enjoys Songs of Rabindranath Tagore, and finds interests in Literature as well!