Synthesis, structural, spectral and electrochemical studies of β-acetamide appended porphyrins
Mono β-acetamide appended porphyrins, MTPP(NHCOMe) (M = 2H, ZnII, CuII, NiII, CoII, MnIII and VIV, TPP = meso-tetraphenylporphyrin) were synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic techniques. The effect of the β-substituents and core metal ions on the electronic spectra was evaluated. The free base and ZnII porphyrins exhibited weak emission and a lower singlet state lifetime than H2TPP and ZnTPP. The first ring reduction potential of MTPP(NHCOMe) (M = CoII, NiII, CuII, ZnII, VIV) porphyrins exhibited a 10-70 mV cathodic shift whereas, free base and MnIII derivatives showed 10-100 mV anodic shift than corresponding MTPPs. The slightly saddled-shaped structures of CuTPP(NHCOMe), ZnTPP(NHCOMe), and Mn(Cl)TPP(NHCOMe) were confirmed by the single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Density functional theory (DFT) studies revealed that the NiTPP(NHCOMe) has the highest average deviation of the 24-core atom from the mean porphyrin plane, Δ24 (± 0.278 Å) and the average displacement of β-pyrrole carbons from the porphyrin mean plane, ΔCβ (± 0.278 Å) values among all the synthesized porphyrins. The HOMO-LUMO gap observed from DFT and Cyclic voltammetry studies are qualitatively comparable. The EPR spectroscopy confirmed the +4 oxidation state of the vanadyl ion, exhibited by the comparable eight-line pattern.
Dedicated to Prof. Karl M. Kadish on the occasion of his 80th birthday
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