Simulation of Ridge-Weathering Effects on the Ground Motion Characteristics
Seismic responses of weathered ridge model with various types of weathering materials/soils and thickness were simulated, using double-couple point shear dislocation sources to evaluate the significance of ridge-weathering effects on the ground motion characteristics. 2.5D finite difference modeling was adopted for simulating the ground motion using parsimonious staggered grid scheme. The analysis of responses of weathered and non-weathered ridge models reveals that surface waves were generated near the top of the ridge. The surface waves were not dominating on the top of the ridge but at some lower elevation. Results also revealed ground motion amplification with elevation. Maximum amplitude of ground displacement was observed on the top of the ridge, when it was not very much weathered, but the reverse was the case (surface waves were dominating near the base) when weathering velocity was more than three times lesser than the underlying rock. An important conclusion was drawn based on simulated results that the thickness of weathering in terms of wavelength (λ) play a vital role in the generation of very strong surface wave with long duration, i.e. when the thickness is equal to or more than λ/8. The decrease of weathering-velocity further increased the amplitude and duration of surfaces waves. On the other hand, surface waves caused by the ridge itself or by weathered materials having thickness less than λ/12 have amplitudes similar or somewhat more than the incoming waves and with much smaller duration. Therefore, special measure for weathering thickness and its velocity is recommended on the basis of simulated results during the construction of buildings on the ridge topography.
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