QCD monopole and sigma meson coupling
Under the assumption of the Abelian dominance in QCD, we show that chiral condensate is locally present around a QCD monopole. The appearance of the chiral condensate around a GUT monopole was shown in the previous analysis of the Rubakov effect. We apply a similar analysis to the QCD monopole. It follows that the condensation of the monopole carrying the chiral condensate leads to the chiral symmetry breaking as well as quark confinement. To realize the result explicitly, we present a phenomenological linear sigma model coupled with the monopoles, in which the monopole condensation causes the chiral symmetry breaking as well as confinement. The monopoles are assumed to be described by a model of dual superconductor. Because the monopoles couple with mesons, we point out the presence of an observable color singlet monopole coupled with the mesons.
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