Multiscale Analysis of Structures Composed of Metal Matrix Composites Considering Phase Debonding
Multiscale analyses considering the stretching problem in plates composed of metal matrix composites (MMC) have been performed using a coupled BEM/FEM model, where the boundary element method (BEM) and the finite element method (FEM) models, respectively, the macrocontinuum and the material microstructure, denoted as representative volume element (RVE). The RVE matrix zone behavior is governed by the von Mises elasto-plastic model while elastic inclusions have been incorporated to the matrix to improve the material mechanical properties. To simulate the microcracks evolution at the interface zone surrounding the inclusions, a modified cohesive fracture model has been adopted, where the interface zone is modeled by means of cohesive contact finite elements to capture the effects of phase debonding. Thus, this paper investigates how this phase debonding affects the microstructure mechanical behavior and consequently affects the macrostructure response in a multiscale analysis. For that, initially, only RVEs subjected to a generic strain are analyzed. Then, multiscale analyses of plates have been performed being each macro point represented by a RVE where the macro-strain must be imposed to solve its equilibrium problem and obtain the macroscopic constitutive response given by the homogenized values of stress and constitutive tensor fields over the RVE.