Study of Omnidirectional Reflection Bandgap Extension in One-Dimensional Quasi-Periodic Metallic Photonic Crystal
The reflection properties of light wave propagation in one-dimensional quasi-periodic metallic photonic crystal (PC) are comprehensively analyzed by transfer matrix method. In this work, we form a Fibonacci sequence quasi-periodic PC composed of metal and dielectric. The results demonstrate that the reflection stop band is strongly dependent on the periodic structure, metal thickness and incident angle. For this structure, the reflection stop band ranges from the visible light region to near-infrared region. Compared with the periodic metallic PC, the reflection stop bandwidth of our structure is wider. When the metal thickness increases, the reflection stop band is significantly enlarged. Furthermore, the reflection stop bandwidth slowly gets narrow and shifts to short wavelength region with the increase of incidence angle. Considering TE and TM wave at all incident angles, there is an omnidirectional reflection bandgap with width of 241nm for our investigated quasi-periodic metal PC.