Electrochemical Properties of Supercapacitors Using Boron Nitrogen Double-Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Conductive Additive
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were doped by ammonium borate as the sources of nitrogen and boron. Under the protection of Ar gas, boron-nitrogen doped CNTs were prepared through nitriding and boronization at high temperature. It is a conductive additive. Then, the obtained CNTs were mixed with activated carbon (AC), SP, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and cellulose fiber to prepare electrodes. With all the materials, a symmetric electric double-layer supercapacitor (EDLC) was assembled. Next, the materials and electrodes were also characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The factors, chemical connections, and specific surface area of the CNTs were analyzed by X-ray energy spectrum analysis (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), as well as a specific surface area and porosimetry analyzer (BET). In addition, the electrochemical performances of electric double-layer capacitors were tested with the help of cyclic voltammetry, constant-current charging and discharging, and so on. From the results, we can make a conclusion, that is, both B and N atoms were added into the CNTs and formed bonds successfully with carbon atoms mutually. Besides, the specific surface area is about 1.5 times than that of the CNT. When the charge/discharge current density reaches 50mA/g, we can find that the mass specific capacitance of the capacitor can run up to 32.19F/g. Also, we observe that the maximum power density is close to 220W/kg (700mA/g), and the energy density can arrive 9.31Wh/kg (50mA/g). Based on the impedance test, the electrodes are characterized with low impedance. After 2000 cycles, the boron-nitrogen doped double-layer capacitors maintain a capacitance retention ratio of above 95%. Its power density can still achieve 220W/kg when the energy density keeps at 3.46Wh/kg. In other words, the electrochemical performance functions of the electric double-layer capacitors are enhanced while the CNTs serve as the electrodes.