Synthesis of Spherical Na(La, RE)(MoO (RE = Eu/Yb, Er), Up/Down Conversion Photoluminescence and Optical Thermometry
In this work, spherical Na(La,RE)(MoO (RE = Eu/Yb-Er) double molybdates were prepared using the rare earth hydroxide (La,RE)(OH)SO4 as a self-sacrificing template. The composition, structure, morphology, up/down conversion luminescence and fluorescence lifetime (FL) of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fluorescence spectrophotometer, and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrophotometer. The results indicate that highly pure spherical Na(La,RE)(MoO (RE = Eu/Yb-Er) samples can be obtained from the proposed route. The room temperature and temperature-dependent up/down conversion luminescence properties of the resulting Na(La,RE)(MoO (RE = Eu/Yb-Er) phosphors were analyzed in detail. The temperature-sensing performances for the two phosphors in both fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) and FL modes were evaluated. Classical down and up-conversion photoluminescence (PL) from Eu and Er were observed. The down conversion phosphors were proved to be capable of sensing temperature via FL mode, and the maximum absolute sensitivity (SA) and maximum relative sensitivity (SR) were found to be K (298K) and K (523K), respectively. The up conversion phosphors Na(La,Yb,Er)(MoO were well capable of sensing temperature via FIR mode through thermally coupled 2H, 4S levels (I/I, and the maximum absolute sensitivity (SA) and maximum relative sensitivity (SR) were found to be K (523K) and K (348K), respectively.