Global stability and vaccination of an SEIVR epidemic model with saturated incidence rate
This study considers SEIVR epidemic model with generalized nonlinear saturated incidence rate in the host population horizontally to estimate local and global equilibriums. By using the Routh–Hurwitz criteria, it is shown that if the basic reproduction number ℛ0<1, the disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable. When the basic reproduction number exceeds the unity, then the endemic equilibrium exists and is stable locally asymptotically. The system is globally asymptotically stable about the disease-free equilibrium if ℛ0<1. The geometric approach is used to present the global stability of the endemic equilibrium. For ℛ0>1, the endemic equilibrium is stable globally asymptotically. Finally, the numerical results are presented to justify the mathematical results.
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