Solution of certain Pell equations
Let a,b,c be any positive integers such that c|ab and d±i is a square free positive integer of the form d±i=a2kb2l±icm where k,l≥m and i=1,2. The main focus of this paper is to find the fundamental solution of the equation x2−d±iy2=1, with the help of the continued fraction of √d±i. We also obtain all the positive solutions of the equations x2−d±iy2=±1 and x2−d±iy2=±4 by means of the Fibonacci and Lucas sequences.
Furthermore, in this work, we derive some algebraic relations on the Pell form Fd±i(x,y)=x2−d±iy2 including cycle, proper cycle, reduction and proper automorphism of it. We also determine the integer solutions of the Pell equation FΔd±i(x,y)=1 in terms of d±i. We extend all the results of the papers [3, 10, 27, 37].
Communicated by G. O. H. Katona