A class of representations of Artin braid hypergroups
Hypergroup is the generalized concept of group introduced first by Marty. Since then, the study of it and its applications has been of great importance. This paper deals with representations of the hypergroup associated to the braid group BnBn. First, we define our hypergroup (Bn,⋆)(Bn,⋆) and our semihyperring (P,⊕,⊙)(P,⊕,⊙) over the set of non-negative integers. Next, we construct non-trivial matrix representations of BnBn of degree kk, for all k∈ℕ. Finally, we find all matrix representations of (Bn,⋆) with degree less than 3 and classify them according to irreducibility and unitarizability.
Communicated by P. Corsini