A graph associated to centralizer of elements of a group
For a given nonabelian finite group GG and S⊆G∖Z(G), where Z(G) denotes the center of G, we introduce a new graph Γ(G,S) associated to the group G as follows: Take G∖(S∪Z(G)) as its vertex set and two distinct vertices x and y being adjacent if and only if there exists an element s∈S such that [x,s]=1=[y,s]. This paper is devoted to investigate the properties of graphs Γ(G,S) and establish some graph theoretical properties. Moreover, we describe the planarity of these graphs when |S|=1. Also, we provide some examples of finite nonabelian groups G with the property that if Γ(G,S)≅Γ(H,S′) and |S|=|S′|=1 for some group H and S′⊆H∖Z(H), then |G|=|H|.
Communicated by V. A. Artamonov