Finite groups with generalized subnormal and generalized permutable subgroups
Let G be a finite group and A a subgroup of G. We say that A is strongly𝔘-subnormal in G if either A is normal in G or AG≠AG and every chief factor of G between AG and AG is cyclic; stronglyπ-permutable in G if A permutes with all Hall π’-subgroups and with all Sylow p -subgroups of G for all p∈π; partiallyπ-subnormal in G if A=〈L,T〉, where L is a strongly 𝔘-subnormal subgroup and T is a π-subnormal subgroup of G. In this paper, we study finite groups whose 3-maximal or 2-maximal subgroups are partially π-subnormal (strongly π-permutable).
Communicated by A. F. Vasilev