On a class of separable modules
A module M is called 𝒜-separable if every proper finitely generated submodule of M is contained in a proper finitely generated direct summand of M. Indecomposable 𝒜-separable modules are shown to be exactly the simple modules. While direct summands of an 𝒜-separable module do not inherit the property, in general, the question of the stability under direct sums is unanswered. But we obtain some partial answers. It is shown that any infinite direct sum of 𝒜-separable modules is 𝒜-separable. Also, we prove that if M1 and M2 are 𝒜-separable modules such that M1 is M2-projective, then M1⊕M2 is 𝒜-separable. We conclude the paper by providing some characterizations of several classes of rings in terms of 𝒜-separable modules. Among others, we prove that the class of rings R for which every (injective) R-module is 𝒜-separable is exactly that of semisimple rings.
Communicated by C. C. Xi