Large-scale and facile fabrication of PbSe nanostructures by selenization of a Pb sheet
PbSe nanostructures were synthesized by selenization of lead sheets in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) set-up under a selenium ambiance. The lead sheets were placed in the different temperature zones, between 300°C and 450°C. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) images showed that, PbSe nanostructures grown on the lead sheets with different morphologies. PbSe nanostructures with flakes shape were grown on the lead sheets that were placed in the lower temperature, while PbSe nanocubes and nanorods, which were grown on the nanocubes, were grown on the lead sheets in the higher temperature. The phase and composition of the product were identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS). The XRD and XPS results showed that, the PbSe phase was started to form after 350°C and completed at 450°C. However, the XPS results showed that the Se concentration was different in the samples. In addition, Raman measurements confirmed the XRD and XPS results and indicated three Raman active modes, which belonged to PbSe phase for the nanostructures. The optical properties of the products were characterized by UV–Vis. The optical characterization results showed a band gap for the PbSe nanostructures in the infrared region.