Ferromagnetism properties of Carbon co-doped LiMg(Fe, Ni)P half Heusler using DFT method
The aim of this investigation is to study the ferromagnetism and magnetic properties of LiMgP HH with double impurities, namely C-2p and (Fe and Ni)-3p, connected to LiMg0.95Fe0.05P0.95C0.05 and LiMg0.95Ni0.05P0.95C0.05,respectively. To achieve this, we perform KKR-CPA combined with GGA. The ferromagnetic stability of LiMg0P0.95C0.05is observed, where C-2p is set on the spin-down of EF connected to the half metallicity. In the case of LiMg0.95Fe0.05P alloy, the Fe-3d states show a variation in the exchange splitting (t+2,t−2) with respect to the spin-up (↑) and spin-down (↓). The Fe-3d states are located around the EF and exhibit half-metallic characteristic. Similarly, the LiMg0.95Ni0.05P alloy also exhibits half metallic characteristic. The co-doped LiMg0.95Fe0.05P0.05C0.05 and LiMg0.95Ni0.05P0.95C0.05 alloys predict an improvement in magnetic properties due to the presence of carbon, resulting in hybridization between C-2p and Fe-3d in the valence band (VB) maximum and conduction band (CB) minimum on the minority states. Similarly, in the case of LiMg0.95Ni0.05P0.95C0.05, hybridization occurs between C-2p and Ni-3d below EF in the minority states, within the range of (−0.2 to 0 Ry) in the VB.