Structure and dielectric properties of (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 ceramics
The solid solutions of the (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 system were produced by the conventional ceramic technology using mechanical activation of the synthesized product. It was found that in the (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 system at room temperature, a number of morphotropic phase transitions occur: rhombohedral → cubic → tetragonal → monoclinic phases. The introduction of a small amount of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 leads to an increase in the temperature stability of the dielectric properties of ceramics. A change in the relaxor properties of the solid solutions of the (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 system was shown. The increase in energy density and energy efficiency was found at additive 10mol.% of Na0.5K0.5NbO3.
1. Introduction
The rapid growth of the range and functionality of small-sized electronic devices will determine the increased requirements for energy storage and processing devices. The development of ceramic capacitors for highly efficient electrical energy storage devices is of particular interest currently.1,2,3 Nowadays, the energy density in classical dielectric capacitors is insufficient to meet the ever-increasing energy consumption.3,4 Among the numerous materials, lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics are excellent environmentally friendly candidates for these applications due to their high intrinsic polarization and low hysteresis.4,6 One of the well-known and promising lead-free relaxor ferroelectric materials is ceramics based on Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3, which has a strong intrinsic polarization, one of the reasons for which is the presence of an unshared pair of electrons Bi3+6p.7 Besides, Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 has a relatively high TC∼320∘C, a large residual polarization, Pr=38μC/cm2 and a high coercive field, EC=73kV/cm, as well as a high mechanical Q factor (Qm∼450), which persists even at high exciting voltage.8,9
Another promising basis for lead-free ferroelectric materials is Na0.5K0.5NbO3 due to the relatively high Curie temperature of ∼420∘C, as well as relatively high values of permittivity and d33∼200–300pC/N in doped ceramics.10,11,12,13,14 Moreover, sodium niobate was reported to stabilize the antisegnetoelectric phase of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3.15 It makes Na0.5K0.5NbO3 and Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 promising in terms of developing materials for energy storage devices.
In the works devoted to materials based on Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 and Na0.5K0.5NbO3, the outstanding properties mainly have multicomponent ceramics.1,2,3,4,5 The mechanism of formation of extreme macro-responses is not always clear due to the complex composition. Also, the reasoning for the choice of concentration range of the used components is not given. This work opens a cycle of works on the search and optimization of conditions for obtaining solid solutions based on ATiZrO3 and ANbO3 (A=Na, K, Bi) compounds with high properties of electric energy accumulation and storage.
The aim of this study is to establish the regularities of phase formation, crystal structure formation and dielectric properties of solid solutions based on (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3.
2. Subjects of Research and Methods
Solid solutions of the system (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3- xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 (x=0.00; 0.10; 0.50; 0.90) were selected as objects of research. The production of solid solutions was carried out by the method of two-stage solid-phase synthesis.
The Bi2O3(99%)*, NaHCO3(99%)*, KHCO3 (99%)*, TiO2 (98%)*, Nb2O5 (98%)* were used as raw materials (*-the content of the main component). The selection of optimal technological modes was carried out on a series of experimental samples with X-ray control of the phase composition and relative density (ρrel.) of the samples. The optimal synthesis modes were Tsyn1=(850–950)∘C; Tsyn2=(850–970)∘C; (depending on the composition) τsyn1=τsyn2=4 hours; the sintering temperatures were: Tsintering.=(1125−1150)∘C (depending on the composition), the sintering time was τsintering.=2h. Mechanical activation (MA) was conducted before sintering using a planetary mill AGO-2. MA was carried out in alcohol for 20min with the Zirconia balls (8mm in diameter) as the milling media. The inner radius of the drum is 55mm, the mass of loaded balls is 150g for each drum, the acceleration of grinding bodies is 600m/s2. The maximum rotation speed of the drums is 1820rpm.
X-ray phase analysis is performed on a DRONE 3.0 diffractometer using CoKα radiation (Bragg–Brentano focusing). The calculation of the parameter a and volume V of the perovskite unit cell was carried out according to the standard methods.16 Accuracy of cell parameters determination: linear Δa=Δc=Δb=±(0.002−0.004)Å; angles Δα=Δβ=±0.05∘; volume ΔV=±0.05Å3.
The experimental density (ρexp) of samples is determined by hydrostatic weighing in n-octane. The calculation of the X-ray density (ρXR) was carried out according to the following formula :
The dependences of the dielectric characteristics on temperature were obtained using the Agilent E4980A LCR meter on an automatic stand specially designed at the Research Institute of Physics with the “Kalipso” software package in the temperature range (25—500)∘C and frequencies 1kHz–1MHz. The depth of the frequency dispersion of the dielectric permittivity was estimated by the following formula :
ε′mf2 is the maximum value of ε′∕ε0 at the highest frequency.
Dielectric hysteresis loops were obtained using a measuring stand assembled according to the Sawyer-Tower scheme at room temperature, a frequency of 50 Hz and an electric field value of from 700 to 2500V for a few samples.
The energy density was obtained from the curves of the dependence of polarization on the electric field (P-E) by integrating the area between the axis of polarization and the curve P-E. With the help of integration, the values of effective energy and efficiency were calculated. The stored energy density, Weff, was calculated by the following formula :
3. Experimental Results
MA is a way to optimize conditions for obtaining ceramics and improve their properties.17 It leads to an acceleration of chemical reactions and a decrease in their temperature. In this work, MA was applied to rise the relative density of ceramics. Figure 1 shows the dependences of the solid solutions densities of the system (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 obtained without the use of MA and with the use of MA, on temperature. It can be seen from the figure that for all x, the use of MA contributes to an increase in the density of solid solution. It is also seen that Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 and solid solutions, close to it, have a high density. Compositions close to Na0.5K0.5NbO3 have ρrel∼75%, and after MA it is possible to increase to ∼84%.

Fig. 1. Densities of solid solutions of the system (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3, obtained without MA (empty squares), and with the use of MA (colored stars).
Figure 2 shows diffractograms of solid solutions of the system (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3. X-ray phase analysis of solid solutions of the system (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 showed that all solid solutions do not contain impurities. It is established that Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 has rhombohedral (R) symmetry. When 10% Na0.5K0.5NbO3 is introduced into the system, the symmetry of the solid solution changes to cubic (C). The solid solution with x=0.5 also has cubic symmetry, but all diffraction peaks are double and are accompanied by modulation, which indicates spinodal decay, that is, the occurrence of two cubic phases with different cell parameters. It may be due to the fact that the electronegativity difference ΔEN(Bi-K)=1.2 is three times higher than the isomorphism conditions: the difference of ionic radii (ΔR) should not exceed 15% relative to a smaller value and the electronegativity difference (ΔEN) should not exceed 0.4 according to Pauling.18 At x=0.9, the symmetry of solid solution changes to tetragonal (T). Na0.5K0.5NbO3 has monoclinic (M) symmetry.

Fig. 2. Diffractograms (a) and parameter, a, and volume, V, of unit cell and relative density and (b) of solid solutions of the system (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 after sintering.
Figure 2(b) shows the parameter, a, volume, V, of the unit cell and relative density of the solid solution of the (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 system. At x increases to x=0.1, the parameter and the cell volume do not change, which is caused by being close to the morphotropic transition (invar effect). In range 0.5≤x≤0.9 the a – slightly changes and V increases noticeably, which is caused by the fact that we replace the smaller RBi3+=1.20 cation with the larger RK+=1.33. In the T and M regions, only changes in the parameter a and V are considered. In range 0.9≤x≤1.0, the a – increases and V is a little change, which is also caused by the invar effect.
The fragments of the microstructure of ceramics of the study system are shown in Fig. 3. In solid solutions with x=0.0 and x=0.1 a dense, almost continuous microstructure is formed. The shape of grains is close to spherical. At x=0.5 the microstructure is inhomogeneous, with chaotic loose packing of crystallites. There are both small grains 0.5μm and less, and large grains 2–3μm. The shape of grains is predominantly cubic. When x increases further, the number of larger grains increases and the number of small grains decreases. The grain size varies 1–3μm (x=0.9). At x=1.0, the grain size increases significantly to 6–10μm. The habit of grains is regular geometric shapes (parallelepipeds) resembling plate-like blocks. Thus, the behavior of the microstructure is consistent with ρrel.

Fig. 3. Fragments of the microstructure of ceramics of the solid solutions of (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 system.
The practically regular shape of grains with flat (without flaws) edges indicates that their growth, at recrystallization sintering, occurs in the presence of a liquid phase (LP), which plays the role of not so much a contact how much diffusion medium.
Thus, the increase of the crystallite size is the result of ordinary dissolution and precipitation from solution, but not the movement of interphase boundaries. The liquid covering the surface of such grains with a film forces them to acquire a specific growth shape and correct faceting, like the habit of crystals growing from a solution in a melt. As a result, the grains crystallize in the polyhedron’s form with almost rectilinear boundaries.19,20 The sources of LP are unreacted initial reagents, hydrolysis products, and low-melting eutectics in niobates.20
Figure 4 shows the dielectric spectra of solid solutions of the system (1-x)Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 depending on the temperature in the frequency range 1kHz–1MHz. Analysis of the dependencies εr(T) shows that two anomalies form in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 (x=0.0) at temperatures of 325∘C and 180∘C, which, according to the literature, relate to phase transitions from cubic to tetragonal and from tetragonal to rhombohedral phases, respectively.21 Introduction to the 10mol system. % Na0.5K0.5NbO3 (x=0.1) leads to the formation of a single wide maximum on the dependence of εr(T), shifted to the region of lower temperatures. This behavior may be due to the appearance of polar microregions, indicating that the transition to the ferroelectric state is in a higher temperature region, even though at room temperature the structure has very small distortions of the unit cell. When add 50mol. % Na0.5K0.5NbO3 (x=0.5), the maximum on the dependence of εr(T) is shifted to the region of lower temperatures, below room temperature. With a further increase in the concentration of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 to 90mol. % (x=0.9), a maximum is formed on the dependence of εr(T) at TC∼230∘C. It indicates that at x>0.5 the phase transition temperature shifts again to a higher temperature region. In KNN, the dependences εr(T) show two maxima, one sharp at ∼410∘C,22,23 and the other, smeared in temperature at T=150–210∘C, which corresponds to the phase transition from the cubic to the tetragonal phase and from tetragonal to monoclinic phase, respectively.

Fig. 4. Dependences of real part, εr, and imaginary part, εim, of the relative complex permittivity, and dielectric loss tangent, tgδ, on temperature in solid solutions of the system (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 in the frequency range 1kHz–1MHz (the direction of the arrow indicates an increase in frequency).
On the dependences of the εr(T) at x=0.0, the frequency dispersion is visible near the phase transition temperatures, Δε=7% (at 325∘C). The εr at the maximum is 2500–2700, depending on the frequency of the electric field. At x=0.1, the frequency dispersion at the time of the phase transition is not observed Δε=2% (at 220∘C) but manifests itself at temperatures above and below the phase transition. At the same time, the value of εr decreases at the maximum to ∼1500 degrees in the temperature range (150÷300)∘C. At x=0.5, there is also a noticeable increase in the frequency dispersion of the material at temperatures above the phase transition. With a further increase in the concentration of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 to x=0.9, frequency dispersion is observed throughout the studied temperature range, Δε = 18% (at 230∘C). The maximum value of the εr is 1500–1800, depending on the frequency. The frequency dispersion in Na0.5K0.5NbO3 frequency is Δε=13% (at 410∘C). The maximum value of the εr is 5000–5700, depending on the frequency.
The analysis of the dependencies of εim(T) and tgδ(T) demonstrates a low level of dielectric losses in these materials. A sharp increase in the analyzed values due to an increase in electrical conductivity at T above 400∘C may be due to the reduction processes of Nb5+↔ Nb4+and Ti4+↔ Ti3+, leading to the appearance of Maxwell–Wagner polarization.24
Figure 5(a) shows the P-E hysteresis loops for solid solutions at x=0.0, x=0.1 at different electric fields and as an example, a comparison of loops for these solid solutions under 1900V/cm is shown in Fig. 5(b). The experiment showed P-E hysteresis loops for Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 has large energy losses compared to the solid solution at x=0.1. It is also shown that the applied fields do not allow reaching the saturation region in both samples.

Fig. 5. P-E hysteresis loops for solid solutions at x=0.0, x=0.1 at different electric field (a); comparison P-E hysteresis loops for solid solutions at x=0.0, x=0.1 under 1900V/cm (b); and x=0.5 under 500V/cm, and x=0.9 under 900V/cm (c).
Table 1 shows the energy density Weff, energy efficiency, η, for solid solutions at x=0.00, x=0.10 under various electric fields.
Concentration | Energy density | Energy efficiency |
x=0.00 | 0.02@1500V/cm | 42% |
0.01@1700V/cm | 40% | |
0.02@1900V/cm | 52% | |
x=0.10 | 0.01@1500V/cm | 76% |
0.02@1700V/cm | 75% | |
0.03@1900V/cm | 78% | |
0.06@2100V/cm | 76% | |
0.04@2300V/cm | 75% | |
0.05@2500V/cm | 74% |
The experiment with hysteresis loops showed that in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (x=0.00) the maximum of the energy density Weff=0.02J/cm3 is observed at 1900V with efficiency=52%. At x=0.10, the efficiency value increased noticeably. The solid solution x = 0.10 in the investigated range electric field has maximum energy density Weff=0.06J/cm3 and efficiency achieved η=76% under 2100V. At x=0.50, x=0.90 and x=1.00, it was not possible to obtain dielectric hysteresis loops, because the solid solution has high conductivity (Fig. 5(c)). Thus, it was found that the small additive of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 allows us an increase in energy density and efficiency.
4. Conclusions
By the method of solid-phase synthesis using MA and subsequent sintering using conventional ceramic technology, the solid solution of systems (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 was obtained.
A number of morphotropic phase transitions occur in the (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 system at room temperature: rhombohedral → cubic → tetragonal → monoclinic phases were found.
The temperature stability of dielectric properties was found in the range (150÷300)∘C while maintaining low values of tgδ in this temperature range at the addition of 10mol. % Na0.5K0.5NbO3. At 2100V/cm, the maximum energy density and energy efficiency have a solid solution with x=0.1, Weff=0.06J/cm3 and η=76%.
5. Summary
Thus, in solid solutions of the (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3- xNa0.5K0.5NbO3 obtained electrical properties that exceed the characteristics of the extreme components of the system, signifying their application potential in energy storage devices and necessitating further studies to determine the compositions, which have optimal electrophysical properties, as well as their study in higher electric fields.
The study was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (State task in the field of scientific activity in 2023). Project No. FENW-2023-0010/(GZ0110/23-11-IF). using the equipment of the Center for Collective Use “Electromagnetic, Electromechanical and Thermal properties of Solids” of the Research Institute of Physics of the Southern Federal University.
E. V. Glazunova
L. A. Shilkina
A. V. Nazarenko
I. A. Verbenko
L. A. Reznichenko