Color Entanglement in Hadronic Processes for Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution Functions
In the description of protons, we go beyond the ordinary collinear parton distribution functions (PDFs), by including transverse momentum dependent PDFs (TMDs). As such, we become sensitive to polarization modes of the partons and protons that one cannot probe without accounting for transverse momenta of partons, in particular when looking at azimuthal asymmetries.
Hadronic processes require the inclusion of gluon contributions forming the gauge links, which are path-ordered exponentials tracing the color flow. In processes with two hadrons in the initial state, such as Drell-Yan (DY), the gauge links from different parts of the process get entangled. We show that in color disentangling this gauge link structure, one becomes sensitive to this color flow. After disentanglement, particular combinations of TMDs will require a different numerical color factor than one naively might have expected. Such color factors will even play a role for azimuthal asymmetries in the simplest hadronic processes such as DY.
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