Effects of electron irradiation on spectrometric properties of Schottky barrier CdTe radiation detectors
High detection efficiency and good room temperature performance of Schottky barrier CdTe semiconductor detectors make them well suited especially for X-ray and gamma-ray detectors. In this contribution, we studied the effect of electron irradiation on the spectrometric performance of the Schottky barrier CdTe detectors manufactured from the chips of size mm3 with In/Ti anode and Pt cathode electrodes (Acrorad Co., Ltd.). Electron irradiation of the detectors was performed by 5 MeV electrons at RT using a linear accelerator UELR 5-1S. Different accumulated doses from 0.5 kGy up to 1.25 kGy were applied and the consequent degradation of the spectrometric properties was evaluated by measuring the pulse-height gamma-spectra of radioisotope source. The spectra were collected at different reverse voltages from 300 V up to 500 V. The changes of selected significant parameters, like energy resolution, peak position, detection efficiency and leakage current were monitored and evaluated to quantify the radiation hardness of the studied detectors. The results showed remarkable worsening of their spectrometric parameters even at relatively low applied doses of 1.25 kGy.