Meet Andréief, Bordeaux 1886, and Andreev, Kharkov 1882–1883
The paper “Note sur une relation entre les intégrales définies des produits des fonctions” by C. Andréief is an often cited paper in random matrix theory, due to it containing what is now referred to as Andréief’s integration formula. Nearly all citing works state the publication year as 1883. However, the journal containing the paper, Mémories de la Societé des Sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux, issue 3 volume 2 actually appeared in 1886. In addition to clarifying this point, some historical information relating to C. Andréief (better known as K. A. Andreev) and the lead up to this work is given, as is a review of some of the context of Andréief’s integration formula.