Peristaltic mechanism of Ellis fluid with viscous dissipation and thermal radiation induced by cilia wave
Bioheat transfer analysis in tissue has attracted the attention of numerous researchers due to its widespread potential applications in the medical field, mainly in thermotherapy and the human thermoregulation system. Also, temperature regulation of the human body primarily occurs through bioheat transfer. Due to the widespread biomedical applications of bio-heat transfer, we aim to investigate the movement of biofluid and bioheat in human organs with the influences of thermal radiation and ciliary waves. The mathematical model for Ellis fluid flow through a tube includes the metachronal wave of cilia motion and convective conditions. The governing equations are created based on mass, momentum conservation, and energy. The current problem is displayed and exact solutions are managed under long wavelength (δ≪1) and low Reynolds number (Re≪1) approximations. An analytical approach is employed to derive expressions for longitudinal velocity, temperature, pressure gradient, and stream function as a function of the parameters of the problem. The physical behavior of the peristaltic motion of the Ellis fluid is explained in detail and illustrated graphically for various parameter values. The results of the current study provide potential information for advancement in the biomedical industry, particularly in the development of biomedical devices and processes.