Adaptive Workflow Scheduling Using Evolutionary Approach in Cloud Computing
Cloud services are used to achieve diverse computing needs such as cost, security, scalability, and availability. Acceleration evolution in the distributed and cloud domains is common for large and dynamic workflows deployment. Resources and task mapping depend on the user’s objectives such as reduction in cost or execution completion within the stipulated time in consideration with certain quality of services. Multiple virtual machine instances can be launched by defining different configurations such as operating system, server types, and applications. Though workflow scheduling is an NP-Hard problem, variety of decision-making techniques are available for optimum resource allocation. In this research paper, different algorithms are studied and compared with evolutionary approaches. Workflow scheduling using genetic algorithm is implemented and discussed. This paper aims to design a decision-making technique to optimize resources of cloud. It is an adaptive scheduling to maximize profit by reducing execution time. The approach implemented is useful to cloud service providers to maximize profit and resource efficiency in their services.