Robust Control of Golf Swing Robot Using Backstepping Based on Fuzzy Sliding-Mode and Super-Twisting Backstepping Sliding-Mode Algorithms
This paper focuses on trajectory tracking, robustness and stabilization of a golf swing robot which has been recently developed to simulate the ultra-high-speed swing motions of a golfer. The proposed control strategies are based on the Lyapunov stability theory and include Backstepping and Sliding-Mode Control based techniques. To attenuate the chattering phenomena caused by a discontinuous switching function and improve the dynamic response of the manipulator, a fuzzy system is used in this research; a Backstepping Sliding-Mode Controller (BSMC), a Backstepping Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Controller (BFSMC) and a Super-twisting Backstepping Sliding-Mode Controller (STBSMC) are used to evaluate the proposed hybrid controller’s BFSMC performance. The Lyapunov stability theory is used to guarantee the stability of the proposed closed-loop robot technique. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy based on the fuzzy logic mechanism under different disturbances and uncertainties.
This paper was recommended for publication in its revised form by editorial board member, Ying Tan.